You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

Mission City Church
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Sherrie- has stage 4 lung cancer

Patricia- health/ tumors

Gavin- going to college in the fall (UCF)

Brielle- going into high school in the fall (St. Mary's)

Received: July 23, 2024


My name is Ps Stephen from Uganda Africa leading a charity organization and the school for orphans Called His grace Junior School am here requesting to pray for me so that God lay his hand towards this work.

I'm a friend with Holly Horren and am requesting to partner with you.

Received: July 20, 2024

Natasha Talbott

Asking The Lord to open doors. For the next 4 weeks I won't be able to attend Sunday service as I need to make Instacart deliveries starting at 8 am-4 in order to help my husband with bills and try to get school clothes for my 4 children.I also may need someone to help me transport kiddos so that they may still attend services. I know trouble don't last always. I have faith that God moves mountains please pray for us.

Received: July 16, 2024

Taihina Tamar

Please pray that I get more work (part time) because I am studying for the CA bar exam, and that I pass it this time (will be 3rd time). I know that God opened up the door for me to go to law school (I went to Trinity Law School in Orange county; a Christian law school). I want to honor Him in that work. Thank you.

Received: July 5, 2024

Bless Anonymous

Please pray for complete healing and freedom from all sexual sin and perversion, the restoration of the desires God wants for me, and the blessing and freedom (physically, mentally and emotionally) to be able to experience everything God intends and desires for me concerning the gift of marriage, love, sex and intimacy and to be the WOMAN of God He made me to be in Jesus name. Pray for miracles of freedom and healing. Pray God end my suffering in this area and that churches everywhere would understand about sexual sin and the severity of its consequences and repent of allowing and condoning it (I am so ANGRY now because I'm suffering terribly because of the sexual sin some churches are condoning - may they understand and repent as I used to be someone just like them and I am VERY AWARE NOW it is WRONG). Please pray for breakthrough, prison walls swung wide, and mountains moved for me and others like me who have LONG since repented of these things and are still suffering from the very terrible and severe consequences of it - let fervent prayers of faith availeth much concerning these things for OUR GOD IS A GOD OF JUSTICE AND MERCY. Pray this prayer request and message reaches the right person/people in the name of Jesus and that God's will be done in these areas in Jesus name.

I have another, separate request, as well. Please pray for my family - pray they would repent of things that are unhealthy and not good for them and that God be merciful and gracious to us and deliver and save our family - pray that God would bless us with his Holy Spirit to be fruitful and flourish in alignment with his will in Jesus name. Pray for them all, but especially for my mother and my aunt Martha at this time. Pray for breakthrough for my family, as well.

Received: July 2, 2024


Please pray for my niece Jessica who is going through chemotherapy for breast cancer, that her heart and body would be restored and healed, that she would find strength, comfort and rest as she struggles with the effects of treatment. I am thankful that God promises healing and abundant grace in times of need and suffering. I also am thankful that by His miraculous works He reveals Himself to those needing healing and those praying!

Received: July 2, 2024


Pray for a miracle, my husband has a growth on left side of the brain that is responsible for language and spelling.

Thank you

Received: June 30, 2024

Kerrie Garner

Please pray for my living situation. I am not in a healthy environment, looking for somewhere else to live. Ideally, I would love to share an apartment or rental house with another woman or women who love the lord. I have been on the hunt and found a few but I need to share the rent and expenses. If anyone reading this knows of such an opportunity, please have the church reach out to me.

Thank you.

Received: June 23, 2024


Sherrie - Lung Cancer

Gavin - Going to college

Brielle - Going to high school

Patricia - Benign tumors

Received: June 18, 2024


My cousin Dawn has cancer that the doctors say is terminal. They gave her 3 years to live. It’s been two years since that diagnosis. She is such a positive person who loves Jesus. Please Pray for a miracle healing for her!!

May God Bless You!

Received: June 18, 2024

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