You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

Mission City Church
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Michelle Giward

My sister-in-law is having brain surgery Monday, please pray for full healing and that the Lord guides the surgeon with precision and knowledge beyond what he has been taught.

Received: June 16, 2024

Lillie Lim

Please uphold me in prayer for a complete healing of my leukemia cancer, which I have been diagnosed with since Jan 2023. I am still undergoing treatment.

Thank You

Received: June 6, 2024


Please pray for full healing for my sister-in-law who just received results from an MRI, she has a brain tumor.

2 Kings 20:5 "The is what the Lord, the God of your father David, says: 'I have heard your prayer and seen your tears; I will heal you.'"

Received: June 5, 2024

Andrew Pick

Prayer for Andrew Pick Healing for voice and throat also high cholesterol and healing for brain and by Jesus stripes I'm healed thank you Jesus for protection and healing me pray for God to heal all depression and negative thoughts and emotions and God helps me stick to a healthy schedule every day to stay healthy thank you Jesus also pray verse over me where Jesus says he gives his beloved sleep pray when I sleep at night it's not disturbed or bad nightmares and anxious thoughts and God gives me good sleep and wake up energetic every day and remove laziness slothfulness and be productive every day praise God and remove any obstacles that could hinder my healing place a strong healing blessing on me and increase my faith and stronger walk with God

Received: June 4, 2024


Please pray for my God Mom’s family. Her sister, (Auntie X) was murdered yesterday. I’ve known Auntie X since I was in high school. Just went and spent time with her and Godmommy just before Easter. Auntie X’s ex-husband has stalked her for a while since their divorce. Saturday, yesterday, she was returning to her apartment with a friend who had flown out to visit her, when her Ex shot and killed both of them. My Godmother is taking this very hard as is the rest of her family. Please join me in prayer this week covering everyone who is affected, especially Auntie X’s two adult kids and her grandchildren who now deal with the fact their father/grandfather has shot and killed their mother/grandmother. Pray that they will ask be able to forgive him and that a spirit of unforgiveness not be able to take root.

Received: June 2, 2024


I asked for prayers for Denise’s father in law john. I pray that GOD protect him while he is in the hospital and deliver him from

Addiction of nicotine. That he no longer requires oxygen to breath, just you breathe of life enter him. Please provide peace and comfort during this trying time. You are the great physician, you are our healer. In Jesus Christ name we pray. Amen

Received: May 28, 2024


Please pray for me. I am having a very difficult time. My daughter had went to live with her dad at 18 after my divorce and we had 50/50 shared custody of my son who was 12 at the time. He now turned 16 and left and said he’s living with his dad- breaking the custody order and his dad is an alcoholic I believe has a drug problem. I’m devasted and it’s all about money that his father will now receive from me because my daughter is now 21 and he won’t be getting any more money after next month so he’s brainwashed my son to live with him

Received: May 26, 2024


Please pray healing for a family member of ours who received very bad test results. They will go for more testing soon. Thank you!

Received: May 23, 2024


Please pray for healing and salvation for Xiaojun in Christ Jesus. Thank you!

Received: May 11, 2024


Praise. I felt so welcomed today. Just like old times.

So many, many people reached out.;)

Grateful and praising God.


Mary Young

Received: May 5, 2024

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