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Mission City Church
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A prayer of gratitude to MCC Pastors and leadership:

Over the years I've watched with great joy as MCC continues to grow and attract new seekers - and an increasingly diverse body. I believe this correlates to an accurate understanding of the Biblical Gospel - which is clearly evident at MCC!

I'd encourage anyone to read and re-read the Gospel of John. That book alone presents the true Gospel. This is stated in John 20:30-31:

"Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name." John 20:30-31

This past Sunday, 12/15, I was nearly in tears as Pastor Josh stated the following wrap-up statement, commonly know as the invitation. Never in my long life have I heard a more succinct, simple and accurate presentation on how to be saved!!

Josh said these words:

"Maybe in this moment, in this place, today, the Holy Spirit spoke to you. And maybe upon opening up God’s Word you have had a transaction take place in your own heart and you have said, 'I believe in Jesus.' If that’s you, and you’re in here today, even without having said the prayer, I want you to know that you are saved."

I'm excited about the future with MCC!

All praise to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

Received: December 18, 2024

Harry Gibbons

Hello Mission City Church,

The National Day of Prayer theme for 2024 is ‘Lift Up the Word – Light Up the World.’ To end the year ahead of Christmas, will you please share this prayer with your prayer team and church to Light Up China on Christmas Day? Thank You! Harry Gibbons

A PRAYER FOR BOLDNESS: Heavenly Father, we pray that You will stretch out Your hand to heal, and that signs and wonders may be done through the name of Your holy Servant Jesus, to Light Up China on Christmas Day with the Light of Christ to the 1.3 billion who live in spiritual darkness, and do not know Him. We also pray the news of these notable miracles by You will spread throughout China in every tribe, province, city, and municipality—to give the persecuted church in China boldness to preach the gospel with the Christmas Story, for a great China harvest. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. Acts 4:16; 29-31

Received: December 10, 2024

Suzi Ann Delorey

Please pray for the Lord to continue to use me for the family I just lost big job of 9 years.

Pray they will seek Him and come to MCC.

Pray for more cleaning jobs to fill this weekly account.

Thank you

Received: December 9, 2024


I would love prayers for my mom. Our relationship has never been that great ever since she and my dad got divorced 20 years ago. My mom can be very toxic and narcissistic, especially around the holidays. She is mean and nasty to my brother and I every year during this time of year because she ends up being alone for the holidays. I have tried every year to make plans with her and she gets really upset when I do that and she just doesn't like committing to others' plans, she likes to wake up and do what she wants. My mom doesn't like to make plans and rarely ever considers the feelings/needs of others. She can be very emotional and say things to her kids that I know she doesn't mean, I always struggle with her lack of ability to apologize for her words and actions. The past sermon really spoke to me, to ask God for forgiveness and to help us forgive those who sin against us, and to be very intentional about praying for those who are cruel to us. I have prayed very hard for my mom ever since Sunday's sermon. My mom was baptized a few years ago through her church but I don't think she has a relationship with Jesus. I have asked her many times this year if she would go to therapy with me or just for herself, but she has rejected me each time and gets very upset when I bring it up. I have had to learn to put boundaries up with her and forgive her in quiet, and to love her from afar. I would love to see God perform a miracle in her and change her heart and character. God bless you all!

Received: December 3, 2024

Heather Reynolds

I watched church online this morning on Youtube. I am so grateful that Mission city livestreams their Sunday services. My husband and I have been away from our home since the end of September this year- my husband travels for work and they sent him out of state for 2.5 months so far, I am blessed that I can go with him and we are able to bring our 2 little dogs with us. We do not get to go home for Thanksgiving this year due to my husband having to work next week -asking for prayers that we don't get too upset over not being home and not being able to see our families this year- it is our first Thanksgiving that we both won't be home and with our family.

The sermon this morning from the guest pastor really hit home for me and I felt like I needed to hear it. My husband and I have been struggling with infertility for 3 years now and we have had 2 early miscarriages and sometimes I really struggle with holding onto faith that we will be blessed with children one day. I would love prayers that God would deliver us our miracle baby and heal us from infertility.

December 5th is a hard day for me every year, it was the due date for the baby I lost last year (losing that baby was very devastating for me) and this year I would have been celebrating my baby's 1st birthday. I would love prayers for my mental health dealing with that date approaching. Thank you Mission City church!

Received: November 24, 2024


Please pray that I don’t experience depression this season of joy. It is a very difficult time of year for me. Please pray

that the relation between myself and my two daughters is strengthen.

Received: November 24, 2024


Please pray that our dear Lord will help my dear cousin, Nancy Martin, who is suffering a horrible medical tragedy, and only has one or two years to live. I prayed that God will help comfort her and maybe have some hope that she can be helped. Thank you

Received: November 21, 2024


Please pray for my family friends. The devil seems to be targeting them hard. Pray for their faith to remain strong during this test. Pray for the return of their safety and peace. Please pray for them to feel God's grace.

Received: November 16, 2024

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