Joseph Balough

Feb 16, 2024

I prayed for this

This has been prayed for 21 times.

Hi Mission City church family~ I am asking for prayers for several people in my life today! Prayers for my son Brent who is in his mid 20s and just I guess hanging around bad people and not responding to family calls and texts – please pray for my sister Toni who is struggling with addiction and hoarding. I would also like to pray for my friend Mike King who has lost most of the use in his right arm no longer to play music for the church or our band – also prayers for my friend Bill Schenk has been hospitalized for over a month and has to be on dialysis which sort of came out of nowhere & our friend Jeanie who has some mystery illness and was always a health food and exercising type of person has withered away till 90 pounds and they don’t know what is wrong with her. Thank you so much for your love and prayers and thank you Josh and Natalie and staff for all you do for the community and ministries elsewhere