carole edmunds

Apr 22, 2024

I prayed for this

This has been prayed for 1 time.

We need your prayers and any other help you can give. Please Pray and help Largo Citizens defeat the Allora Project just down the street from your church. The proposed project is at 800 8th Ave SE, Largo, FL and proposes to destroy the greenspace there and replace it with 336 Apartment Project. This land is prescious, historical and provides animal habitat that should not be destroyed to produce wealth for a greedy developer.

As you know God has said,


God comes to reward those who have honored his name, and to “destroy those who have destroyed the earth.”


"It is a land the LORD your God cares for; the eyes of the LORD your God are continually on it from the beginning of the year to its end"

Please see and electronically sigh our petition at the following web link


Carole Edmunds