Bless Anonymous

Jul 2, 2024

I prayed for this

Please pray for complete healing and freedom from all sexual sin and perversion, the restoration of the desires God wants for me, and the blessing and freedom (physically, mentally and emotionally) to be able to experience everything God intends and desires for me concerning the gift of marriage, love, sex and intimacy and to be the WOMAN of God He made me to be in Jesus name. Pray for miracles of freedom and healing. Pray God end my suffering in this area and that churches everywhere would understand about sexual sin and the severity of its consequences and repent of allowing and condoning it (I am so ANGRY now because I'm suffering terribly because of the sexual sin some churches are condoning - may they understand and repent as I used to be someone just like them and I am VERY AWARE NOW it is WRONG). Please pray for breakthrough, prison walls swung wide, and mountains moved for me and others like me who have LONG since repented of these things and are still suffering from the very terrible and severe consequences of it - let fervent prayers of faith availeth much concerning these things for OUR GOD IS A GOD OF JUSTICE AND MERCY. Pray this prayer request and message reaches the right person/people in the name of Jesus and that God's will be done in these areas in Jesus name.

I have another, separate request, as well. Please pray for my family - pray they would repent of things that are unhealthy and not good for them and that God be merciful and gracious to us and deliver and save our family - pray that God would bless us with his Holy Spirit to be fruitful and flourish in alignment with his will in Jesus name. Pray for them all, but especially for my mother and my aunt Martha at this time. Pray for breakthrough for my family, as well.